Topic: Curriculum development

The process of naming our purpose and underlying beliefs has been so important for us to create more clarity, connection, and meaning to our work. Several of our consultants have already shared an immediate improvement in their ability to communicate about what, how, and why we work.

In many ways, today feels like the 387th day of March, 2020.

More than a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, our team of consultants is holding a tension. On the one hand, we are grateful to our clients for the opportunity to grow and to serve from the safety of Zoom. One the other hand, we feel the tremendous pressure, trauma, and learning loss the pandemic has caused, especially for students from Black, Hispanic, Indigenous, and low-income communities.

At MAYA, we are constantly evolving and adjusting our organization to make it more equitable. Everyone on our team plays a role in building a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace. Over the last six months, we have added two new positions and so hiring has been on our minds a lot. Let’s be honest, hiring is a lot of work for both the company and the candidates. So often, processes are built to be quick and take shortcuts, but those shortcuts lead to a lack of equity. In rethinking our hiring practices, MAYA made some small and big changes to help strengthen our own hiring practices.

There has been no shortage of education in the news since March of this year. Recent news stories have cited educators as heroes for everything from the way they organize their socially distant classrooms to assisting in the distribution of food for their students. Are teachers heroes, absolutely! Is this recent heralding of educators as heroes problematic? Maybe. Why? Because they’ve always been heroic and now it’s our turn to support them.

There are many benefits to concurrent teaching, such as in-person and virtual students having the same teacher with that teacher only having to plan for one lesson delivery as opposed to two (in-person and virtual). This method provides one “classroom” community, allowing virtual students to participate in real time with their in-person peers to provide connection and build culture. How can concurrent teachers maximize engagement and equity for virtual learners? Here are three ways…

As Texas Education Agency (TEA) just announced earlier today, school districts will not lose funding if they choose to start the new school year under remote learning.

While district leaders, teachers, and families wait for TEA to release revised guidance on reopening schools. Here are 3 ways to approach remote learning for educators to consider…

My inbox is full of statements from organizational leaders, many of whom are white, about standing with the Black community. This language is necessary but insufficient. As described in one of MAYA’s go-to newsletters to learn what we can do to increase inclusion--5 Ally Actions--solidary is not enough. We must shift from the language to the labor of allyship and anti-racism…


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