Our Focus

What MAYA Supports For
Community Wellbeing

MAYA prioritizes supporting communities to make changes in practices, programs, and systems — from cradle to career — so we all live a good life. The six focus areas of what MAYA supports are interconnected and mutually reinforce each other. We strategize to include all 6 touchpoints when addressing any challenge. 

Holistic Family,
Child and Youth
Quality Learning
Environments For
Student Success 
Community and
Systems Partnerships
Innovative Systems
and Models 
Data Ownership,
Stewardship & Innovation

Responsive Relationships

We encourage positive, trusting, and healing interactions along with strong social connections between individuals and systems at all levels. This directly applies to our work in:

Holistic Family, Child and Youth Support

These programs and services address the interconnectedness of physical, mental, economic, social and academic well-being of children, youth and families. We support:

Quality Learning Environments For Student Success

We utilize the system-level levers in schools, districts, and nonprofits such as talent, program, instruction, educator development, and assessment. We do this to improve and sustain student learning outcomes through:

Community and Systems Partnerships

We bridge cross-sector partnerships between institutions (non-profits, philanthropy, public school, charters, etc.) who have a common goal of strengthening outcomes for youth and families. We focus on:

Innovative Systems and Models

We build the capacity of community leaders to redesign and codify new models that directly improve results and influence policies. At the heart of this is:

Data Ownership, Stewardship and Innovation

The pathway to sustainable change requires that communities be empowered to use actionable and timely data. That’s why we prioritize:

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