Our Services

How MAYA Supports For
Sustainable Solutions

How we support our clients is as important as what we support. We approach our “how” with empathy, encouraging agency and co-designing with the communities we work with. This is how long-lasting change happens and community leaders are built.

Programs and Systems Analysis

We Analyze Practices, Programs, and Systems to support communities and organizations in understanding the current context and landscape in which they work. This is a set of services to identify root causes and better support children and families. We do this by:

Strategic Planning for Community Change

Strategic Planning is a set of services that help organizations and communities reimagine how to use their assets to improve results. Examples include strategic, business, and growth planning. After helping organizations analyze their opportunities, we offer a set of services that support the essential elements of a strategic, business, or growth plan through:

Change Implementation and Sustenance

Implementing, Sustaining, and Scaling Changes are the set of services that help organizations and communities design, implement, and sustain new priorities. After spending time with community and organizations and understanding the opportunity for change, we support with:

Data-Driven Improvement

We use “disciplined inquiry” to identify, adapt, and scale promising practices and improvements. Inspired by educator Anthony Bryk’s Six Principles of Continuous Improvement, we:

Community Ownership

Community Ownership is a set of services that supports institutions to move along the continuum of community engagement. Change happens when those directly affected are empowered. Our aim is to shift power to individuals with lived experience, especially those from marginalized communities. We do this by:

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